Indigo is a 2003 American fantasy drama film produced and directed by Stephen Deutsch (credited as Stephen Simon). The film deals with the supposed phenomenon of "indigo children" — a set of children alleged to have certain "special psychological and spiritual attributes". Its release was sponsored by the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club that mails spiritually themed films to subscribers each month.Synopsis
At the beginning of the story Ray Talloway (Neale Donald Walsch) is a construction manager whose business is near bankruptcy. His semi-estranged daughter Cheryl (Sarah Rutan) quarrels with him on the slightest pretext, while her husband Alex (Gregory Linington) is one of a small group of minor criminals. Cheryl and Alex have one daughter, Grace (shared role by Meghan McCandless as older Grace and Angelina Hess as younger Grace), who is the indigo child of the story, and who eventually reunites the family.