Investment (Marathi) is a 2013 Marathi realistic, socially relevant, hard-hitting film written & directed by Ratnakar Matkari and produced by Pratibha Matkari for Mahadwar Productions. The leading roles are played by Tushar Dalvi, Supriya Vinod, Sulbha Deshpande, Sanjay Mone, Sandeep Pathak, Bhagyashri Pane, Praharsh Naik, Soham Kolvankar and Milind Phatak who are prominent actors from the Indian Film Industry. The Director of Photography is Amol Gole, the sound design is handled by Shantanu Akerkar and Dinesh Uchil with Madhav Vijay providing the background score.Synopsis
Investment tells the story of a typical ‘upwardly mobile’ couple: Aashish, an ambitious young man, about to change his job to join an American firm, and his wife Prachi, who is encouraging and eager to move into a higher class of society. (This couple is indicative of the young people in urban areas thriving to achieve more, albeit at cost of social values). The couple has a twelve-year-old son, Sohel, who is being brought up with much care and with a dream of raising a successful Politician of the Future, a field which they believe is promising due to its lucrative opportunities of growth, power and finance.