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Iqraar by Chance is a film released in USA on 1 january 2005 with Shilpa Anand

Iqraar by Chance (2005)

Iqraar by Chance
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Released in USA 1 january 2005
Length 2h9
Rating51% 2.588532.588532.588532.588532.58853

Iqraar By Chance is a 2006 Bollywood film directed by K. Ravi Shankar and starring Shilpa Anand and Amarjeet Shukla.


Born to East Indian parents, Rashmi Mehra(Shilpa Anand) lives a wealthy and care-free life in England, often overspends money, leading her dad to question her closely. On one such occasion, she manages to convince him that she can earn as much as £5000 in one month. He accepts her challenge and she sets out to find work.


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