Johnny is a Tollywood sports film released on 25 April 2003, written and directed by Pawan Kalyan. Kalyan also starred in the film, along with Renu Desai. The film didn't perform well commercially, although it recovered its budget. Box Office India declared it a flop. Also, it proved to be the biggest flop in Pawan Kalyan's film career. Johnny 's distribution rights were sold for a record breaking amount of ₹210 million (US$3 2 million).Synopsis
Johnny (Pawan Kalyan) loses his mother as a kid. He then runs away from his father (Raghuvaran) as he is a chain smoker, a drinker, and doesn't care for his son. Years later, Johnny becomes a martial arts coach. One day, a girl named Geeta (Renu Desai) lodges a complaint on Johnny for beating up a man. Later, Geeta comes to know that it was a misunderstanding. After Geeta apologises, both become friends and eventually get married. After marriage, Johnny finds out that his wife has cancer. Borrowing as much money as he can from his friends, he moves to Mumbai but he is still short.