Jungle Emperor Leo, known in Japan as Jungle Emperor The Movie (Japanese: 劇場版 ジャングル大帝, Hepburn: Gekijōban Janguru Taitei) is a 1997 animated movie focusing on the last half of Osamu Tezuka's manga, Jungle Taitei (known in earlier US productions as Kimba the White Lion and Leo the Lion).Synopsis
In the beginning of this film, Leo is an adult and has just learned that his mate, Lyra, has just given birth to twin cubs: Lune (pronounced Lu-Ney) and Lukio. After a grand celebration, the scene changes drastically to a bustling city where a man named Ham Egg is travelling from jeweler to jeweler to try and sell a special stone he found in the Bajalu Jungle. After being turned down at every pawn shop and jeweler he goes to, the jewelers all inform someone of Ham Egg's whereabouts, and soon he is hauled away in a black car by intimidating men in black suits.