Just Inès is a 2010 British film written and directed by Marcel Grant. The film follows Tom Jackson, played by renowned UK actor Daniel Weyman, through a period of redemption after a prison sentence for domestic violence. Only through a new relationship with French girl Inès, played by well-known actress Caroline Ducey, can he find back his way in life.
The film was shot in United Kingdom and France as an independent production by the London-based production company Dancing Brave Pictures. The film received its world premiere to high acclaim at the 2010 International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg and was also screened at the 2010 Cairo International Film Festival, Egypt.Synopsis
The film starts with a depiction of Tom's current life. A businessman, he is lost in his deals and betrays his wife with a Buddhist girlfriend of his. When his wife threatens to leave him, he loses control and beats her violently. He is sentenced to 6 months in prison.