Lake Tahoe is a 2008 Mexican drama film, directed by Fernando Eimbcke. It premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival in Germany on February 9, 2008 and won ten awards, including two Silver Ariels for best supporting actor (Hector Herrera) and best director. The film follows a teenage boy who has crashed the family car and his prolonged attempts to find a new engine part to fix it. His and his family's grief at his father's recent death are also shown. The title is derived from a Lake Tahoe bumper sticker on the car.Synopsis
Au petit matin, Juan, 16 ans, emboutit la voiture de son père. En cherchant de l’aide, il va croiser un vieux mécanicien, un adolescent passionné de kung fu, une jeune fille punk dont il tombe amoureux Les différentes rencontres de cette journée vont l’aider à vivre avec le douloureux secret qu’il porte en lui.