Let's Dance is a 2009 Bollywood film that stars Gayatri Patel, Ajay Chaudhary and Aquib Afzal in the lead roles. It is directed and edited by Aarif Sheikh.Synopsis
Suhani, a passionate young dancer, dreams of being a star her entire life. Fourteen-year-old Aftab, a gifted dancer, has never dreamed, ever. She can see nothing beyond starring in an R.J. Music Video. He can see nothing beyond making a life on the streets. When she sees Aftab's gang dancing on a street corner one night, she has no idea that her dreams are about to change. She's moved by the talent these street kids possess and wants the world to give them their due. But Aftab has no faith in her dreams for them. Will she be able to restore his faith in her? Will she get them the life they deserve, but cannot even dream of?