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Lola Montez, the King’s Dancer is a film of genre Drama directed by Willi Wolff with Ellen Richter

Lola Montez, the King’s Dancer (1922)

Lola Montez, the King’s Dancer
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Genres Drama

Lola Montez, the King's Dancer (German: Lola Montez, die Tänzerin des Königs) is a 1922 German silent historical drama film directed by Willi Wolff and starring Ellen Richter, Arnold Korff and Fritz Kampers. It portrays the life of Lola Montez. The film was produced by Richter's own production company, but was released by the dominant German distributor UFA.

A previous biopic Lola Montez had been released in 1919, starring Leopoldine Konstantin.


Ellen Richter

(Lola Montez)
Fritz Kampers

(Lieutenant Nussbaum)
Frida Richard

Georg Alexander

(Studiosus Ludwig von Hirschberg)
Heinrich George

(Don Miguel)
Trailer of Lola Montez, the King’s Dancer

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Source : Wikidata


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