Magalirkkaga (English: For Ladies) is a 2000 Tamil drama film, directed by Indhiyan. The film stars Kushboo, Vindhya and Ranjith in the lead roles while Thalaivasal Vijay, Anuja and Vadivelu among others form an ensemble cast. Music for the film was composed by debutant Varshan and the film opened to mixed reviews in June 2000.Synopsis
Bhavani (Kushboo) is an inspector at police station of woman officers, with a head constable (Ambika) and two constables (Kovai Sarala and Vindhya) also in operation, with a driver (Vadivelu). Bhavani falls in love with engineer Subramani (Ranjith), whom she financially supports, and eventually gets married with him, while continuing to adopt a non-nonsense approach to her police duty.