Power of Women is a 2005 Tamil drama film, written and directed by Jayadevi. The film stars Kushboo, Hariharan and Riyaz Khan in the lead roles. Music for the film was composed by Vidyasagar and the film opened to mixed reviews in May 2005.Synopsis
Aatma (Hariharan) is an international fusion singer and social activist, who protests for the emancipation of women and writes books on the subject. His latest book, Marana Sasanam, proves to be controversial and subsequently leads to him being put under house arrest. Through a flashback to visiting students, he narrates the story of the Indian village girl Jyoti (Kushboo) who gets married and then widowed in her formative years, resulting in her dropping out of education. She then gets married to a wealthy NRI, Shyam (Riyaz Khan), and leaves India to head to Canada.