Martyrs of the Alamo (also known as The Birth of Texas) is a 1915 American historical war drama film written and directed by Christy Cabanne. The film is based on the historical novel of the same name by Theodosia Harris, and features an ensemble cast including Sam De Grasse, Douglas Fairbanks, Walter Long and Alfred Paget.
While making claims to historical accuracy, the film depicts the Mexican population in San Antonio in 1836 as a group of ill-mannered drunks. One scene depicts a Mexican officer verbally assaulting a white woman and making advances on her. The white woman reports the incident to her husband who in turn shoots the Mexican officer. In his book Remembering the Alamo, author Richard R. Flores, argues that the negative portrayal of the Mexican population is due to racism toward Mexicans in 1915, the year the film was produced. A copy of the film is preserved at the Library of Congress.Synopsis
Au cours de la Révolution texane de 1836, 250 Américains sous les ordres du Colonel Travis, parmi lesquels Davy Crockett et James Bowie résistent un temps aux attaques de l'armée mexicaine conduite par le Général Santa Anna, pendant le siège de Fort Alamo. Pendant la bataille, Crockett et Bowie discutent à propos de l'efficacité de leurs armes respectives, le fusil et le couteau. "Silent" Smith parvient à passer à travers les lignes ennemies pour rejoindre Samuel Houston et ses rangers. Mais ils arriveront trop tard...