Mirror Mirror is a 2012 Czech-American family adventure comedy-drama fantasy film based on the fairy tale "Snow White" collected by the Brothers Grimm. It is directed by Tarsem Singh, produced by Ryan Kavanaugh, Bernie Goldmann, Brett Ratner and Kevin Misher, written by Marc Klein and Jason Keller with music by Alan Menken and stars Lily Collins, Julia Roberts, Armie Hammer, Nathan Lane, and Sean Bean. It was released theatrically on March 30, 2012 by Relativity Media. The film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Costume Design.Synopsis
The First and Good Queen, Snow White's mother died in child birth, and her father, the King (Sean Bean), marries once again with an evil sorceress named Clementianna (Julia Roberts), the most beautiful woman in the land and raises Snow White. One day, the king leaves to fight a great evil that has invaded the land but never returns. Queen Clementianna rules in his absence and keeps Snow White in the palace.