Mt. Hakkoda (八甲田山, Hakkōda-san) is a 1977 Japanese film directed by Shirō Moritani. Based on the novelist Jirō Nitta's recounting of the Hakkōda Mountains incident, the film tells the story of two infantry regiments of the Imperial Japanese Army, consisting of 210 men, that tried to traverse Mt. Hakkoda in the winter of 1902, in preparation for the anticipated Russo-Japanese War. The film was Japan's submission to the 50th Academy Awards for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, but was not accepted as a nominee.
^ "List of Japanese films nominated for Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film" (in Japanese). Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan. Retrieved 2008-06-22.Synopsis
En 1902, au Japon, une compagnie de soldats japonais, commandée par le colonel Nakabayashi, entreprend une traversée des Monts Hakkoda. Malgré l'apparition d'une importante tempête de neige, les officiers décident de continuer le voyage. La quasi-totalité des hommes périront de froid ou d'épuisement.