Neeyethra Dhanya is a 1987 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Jesey. The film stars Karthika, Murali, Menaka and Mukesh in lead roles. The film had musical score by G. Devarajan.
The film begins showing the relationship between two collegemates, Sethu and Soniya. The film takes an altogether turn when Soniya is brutally murdered on the eve of the college day celebrations. Sethu, who is actually innocent, is arrested following the circumstancial evidences. He breaks the prison in order to find the actual culprit. In the end, he discovers that one of his friends was behind the murder.
Aval Viswasthayayirunnu tells the tragic love story of James who is now lovelorn and pining for his ex-love, who is now married to his best friend Jhonny.