Night Moves is a 2013 American drama film directed by Kelly Reichardt and written by Reichardt and Jonathan Raymond, starring Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning, Peter Sarsgaard, Alia Shawkat, and James LeGros. The film follows three radical environmentalists who plot to blow up a dam. It was shown in the main competition section of the 70th Venice International Film Festival, at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival and at 2013 Deauville American Film Festival, where it won Grand Prix of the festival.Synopsis
Josh and Dena buy a boat and tow it long distance to meet Harmon, an ex-Marine. The three plan to bomb a dam which they believe is harming the environment. They buy fertilizer, assemble a bomb and load it onto the boat. At night, they take the boat to the dam, arm the bomb, and escape. After the explosion, Harmon says goodbye and drives away. Josh and Dena are stopped by the police, but evade suspicion.