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Nikolay Vavilov is a film of genre Drama directed by Alexandre Prochkine with Bohdan Stupka

Nikolay Vavilov (1991)

Nikolay Vavilov
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Length 9h14
Genres Drama,    Historical
Rating56% 2.8490552.8490552.8490552.8490552.849055

Nikolai Vavilov (Russian: Николай Вавилов)- 6-part television film in 1990. Joint production of the USSR and Germany. Biopic devoted to the history of the life of Soviet biologist, academician Nikolai Vavilov.


The history of life, contribution to science and public activities of Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. His scientific and personal confrontation with Trofim Lysenko, and the subsequent arrest of the scientist's death in prison.


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Suggestions of similar film to Nikolay Vavilov

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Our Own
Our Own (2004)
, 1h51
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