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No Rest for the Wicked is a film of genre Thriller directed by Enrique Urbizu released in USA on 21 september 2011 with José Coronado

No Rest for the Wicked (2011)

No habrá paz para los malvados

No Rest for the Wicked
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Released in USA 21 september 2011
Length 1h36
Directed by
Genres Thriller,    Crime
Rating63% 3.194283.194283.194283.194283.19428

No Rest for the Wicked (Spanish: No habrá paz para los malvados) is an 2011 Spanish thriller film directed by Enrique Urbizu, written by Urbizu and Michel Gaztambide and starring José Coronado, Juanjo Artero and Helena Miquel.

The film won six Goya Awards, including Best Film, Best Director, Best Original Writing and Best Leading Actor.


Santos Trinidad, a corrupt policeman, goes drinking late at night. After he is thrown out of a bar, he aggressively demands that a waitress at another bar serve him despite the fact that they are closed. The owner attempts to defuse the situation by offering Trinidad a free drink, but he inadvertently offends Trinidad, who breaks his nose. The bouncer draws a pistol, and Trinidad shoots each of them dead. As Trinidad cleans up the evidence, an eyewitness escapes. After Trinidad studies their wallets for clues on the identity of the eyewitness, he destroys all identifying papers.


Trailer of No Rest for the Wicked

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