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No Shooting Time for Foxes is a Allemand film of genre Drama directed by Peter Schamoni with Helmut Förnbacher

No Shooting Time for Foxes (1966)

No Shooting Time for Foxes
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Length 1h32
Directed by
Genres Drama
Rating65% 3.279593.279593.279593.279593.27959

No Shooting Time for Foxes (German: Schonzeit für Füchse) is a 1966 German drama film directed by Peter Schamoni. It was entered into the 16th Berlin International Film Festival where it won the Silver Bear Extraordinary Jury Prize.


Helmut Förnbacher

(Ein junger Mann)
Christian Doermer

Andrea Jonasson

Alexander Golling

(Ein Onkel)
Willy Birgel

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