Pallikoodam (English-School) is a Tamil feature film directed and cinematographed by Thangar Bachchan. Narain, Sneha, Sriya Reddy, Seeman and the director himself form the cast. Narain plays Vetrivel, a collector, while Sriya Reddy is a nurse, Sneha is a teacher named Kokila and Seeman plays Muthu. The film deals with four different periods - 1978, 1983, 1991 and 2004.Synopsis
Vetrivel, a son of a potter, is the most intelligent of the lot and loves Kokila who is the daughter of a rich Jamindar who owns the school land. And their common friends are Muthu and Kumaraswami. Kumaraswami, very bad at studies, avoids school; however, his father makes all efforts to send him back to school and succeeds in doing so.