Persecution (also known as Sheba, The Graveyard and The Terror of Sheba) is a 1974 British psychological horror film directed by Don Chaffey, produced by Kevin Francis and starring Lana Turner, Ralph Bates, Olga Georges-Picot, Trevor Howard and Suzan Farmer. The film was also released as Sheba and The Terror of Sheba and subsequently re-titled The Graveyard for VHS release in the 1980s.
The fim's promotional taglines are: Warning: this film is NOT for the squeamish, The horror of a twisted mind! and Now it's David's turn to get even... and he has a very special treat for his mother.Synopsis
Carrie Masters (Lana Turner) is a crippled, wealthy, bitter woman who takes pleasure in tormenting her young son David (Mark Weavers). She blames him for her crippled leg and, in bizarre and horrifying ways, extracts her revenge by dominating him.