Pinocchio 3000 (or P3K, Pinocchio the Robot) is a 2004 Canadian computer-animated film distributed by Christal Films. Like A.I. Artificial Intelligence, it is a futuristic science fiction interpretation of the classic tale The Adventures of Pinocchio where Pinocchio is a robot brought to life by tapping into a city's power surge, rather than a puppet animated by magic.
The story centers on the basic legend of Pinocchio attempting to fit into living with humans, having difficulties, becoming frustrated with them, and eventually overcoming them. Most of the base elements and characters have been used, in different forms.
The story takes place in the town of Scamboville, a futuristic city constantly under development under the reign of its namesake, Scamboli.Synopsis
The story begins with an inventor named Geppetto making a robot, Pinocchio, as his son. Meanwhile, an evil mayor named Scamboli is making a technology city called "Scamboville", to get rid of nature. He also hates children except for his beloved daughter, Marlene. Marlene has a problem about there being no space for children to have fun. So, Scamboli is going to make a theme park called "Scamboland".