Plot For Peace is a 2013 South African documentary directed by Carlos Agulló and Mandy Jacobson.
The film tells the story of Algerian-born French businessman Jean-Yves Ollivier's involvement in Cold War-era African parallel diplomacy, the signing of the 1988 Brazzaville Protocol and discussions surrounding the eventual release of Nelson Mandela. Using archive footage from apartheid-era South Africa alongside interviews from Winnie Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Denis Sassou-Nguesso and Mathews Phosa, Ollivier (previously unknown and referred to as 'Monsieur Jacques') is revealed as a key architect of the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola and a 1987 prisoner-exchange programme involving six African nations.Synopsis
In the middle of the 80', Jean-Yves Ollivier, a French businessman working in Southern Africa, decides to use his network and the trust he inspires to the leaders of the countries, in order to help bringing peace and destroy the apartheid regime.