Project Moonbase (also known as Project Moon Base) is a 1953 black-and-white science fiction film directed by Richard Talmadge. The film is based on a story by Robert A. Heinlein, who shares screenwriting credit. Mystery Science Theater 3000 featured it as an episode in its first Comedy Channel season in January 1990 and it was also broadcast in a syndicated television episode of the Canned Film Festival in 1986.
The film is unusual for its time in both attempting to portray space travel in a "realistic" manner, and for depicting a future in which women hold positions of authority and responsibility equal to men; in the film the President of the United States is a woman.Synopsis
Set in a future 1970, the United States is considering building bases on the Moon. Colonel Briteis (Donna Martell), Major Bill Moore (Ross Ford), and Doctor Wernher (Larry Johns) are sent to orbit the Moon to survey landing sites for future lunar missions. However, Dr. Wernher is an impostor whose mission is to destroy the US's Earth-orbiting space station, which he plans to do by colliding the rocket with the station on the way back from the Moon.