Prom Night III: The Last Kiss is a 1989 horror-comedy film that is part of the Prom Night film series, continuing the storyline involving the murderous ghoul Mary Lou Maloney. This is the only entry to depart from the strictly horror genre of the series, and is instead a spoof of the previous films. It was released in theaters on June 1, 1989. This film was followed by a third sequel, titled Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil.Synopsis
Trapped in Hell, murderous prom queen Mary Lou Maloney (Courtney Taylor), who burned to death in 1957, manages to escape her chains by severing them with a nail file. Returning to her place of death, Hamilton High School, Mary Lou kills the school janitor and one of her many former boyfriends Jack Russell (Terry Doyle) by electrocuting him with a jukebox to the point that his pacemaker bursts from his chest. The day after Jack's death, Principal Weatherall (Roger Dunn), officially opens Hamilton High's recently reconstructed gymnasium, accidentally severing one of his own fingers while cutting the ribbon with a pair of scissors, an act which prompts an unseen force to wreak havoc through the gym with powerful winds.