Puthiya Vaanam (New Sky) is a 1988 Tamil crime film directed by R. V. Udayakumar. The film features Sathyaraj, Sivaji Ganesan, Rupini and Gouthami in lead roles. The film, produced by G. Thyagarajan and V. Thamilazhagan, had musical score by Hamsalekha and was released on 16 June 1988. The film was named after a song from the film Anbe Vaa (1966). The film was a remake of Hindi film Hukumat.Satyaraj character name in this film is MGRajarathnam by which he plays tribute to legendary MGR.Synopsis
In the past, Jeevadurai (Jaiganesh), an honest police officer, was killed by Govindan (Vijayakumar). Thereafter, Rajaratnam (Sathyaraj), Jeevadurai's son, was brought by D.I.G Pandidurai (Sivaji Ganesan). Few years later, Rajaratnam is married to Devaki (Rupini) and they have a son. Like his father, Rajaratnam becomes a police officer. In Shanthi Nagar, Govindan who is now known as Kocha controls the city and the people cannot face him and his henchmen. His adopted father Pandidurai transfers Rajaratnam to Shanthi Nagar.