Pudhu Vasantham is a 1990 Indian Tamil film, directed by Vikraman making his directorial debut, starring Murali, Anand Babu, Raja, Charle and Sithara in lead roles. The film, produced by R. B. Choudary and R. Mohan, had musical score by S. A. Rajkumar and was released on 14 April 1990. The film was remade in Kannada as Shruthi with Sunil, Honnavalli Krishna, Indudhar, Srivathsa, Shruthi, Dileep and in Hindi as Baharon Ke Manzil.Synopsis
The story revolves around four friends, Balu (Murali), Michael (Anand Babu), Raja (Raja) and Manohar (Charle). They are struggling as roadside singers. Gowri (Sithara), who arrives in search of her lover Suresh (Suresh) comes and joins with the guys as a good friend and helps them for their successful career. The arrival of Suresh from London makes a break in their friendship. The rest of the story is whether, Gowri continues her friendships with them or not.