Redux Riding Hood is a 15-minute animated short film directed by Steve Moore and produced by Disney in 1997 that received an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Short Film.
The film was produced with cel animation and 2-D collage elements, a look developed by production designer John Kleber. From a set of four short/featurettes planned by Disney and MovieToons (to be titled "Totally Twisted Fairy Tales"), which was also to include "Jack in the Beanstalk," "The Three Little Pigs" and a fourth cartoon that was never finalized. The idea was to make a more adult short by combining Disney artists and high-quality writers and their takes on classic fairy tales. However, only Redux Riding Hood was released on 000000001997-08-05-0000August 5, 1997 in Encino, California to qualify it for the Academy Awards.Synopsis
Redux Riding Hood, written by sitcom writer Dan O'Shannon, tells the familiar story of Red Riding Hood from the point of view of the big, bad wolf. The wolf (voiced by then-beloved co-star of Seinfeld, Michael Richards) is haunted by the decision to eat Red Riding Hood after dressing up as her grandmother, not because he regrets the choice but because he’s convinced he can do it better now that he’s learned from his mistakes. But to do that, he has to build a time machine and avoid his poor wife (Mia Farrow). Can the wolf rewrite fairy-tale history or is he destined to never gobble down poor Red?