Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure is a 2013 animated fantasy comedy direct-to-video film starring Tom and Jerry, produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Tom and Jerry are the faithful servants of Jack, the owner of a struggling storybook amusement park that gets a much-needed boost thanks to some mysterious magical beans.Synopsis
Tom and Jerry live with Jack and his Mother in Storybook Town, a fairy tale-inspired theme park. Young Jack is desperate to save the park from the hands of a greedy billionaire, setting out with his loyal cat and mouse friends to sell his prize cow for magic beans. What follows is a journey up a beanstalk to a magical land ruled by a massively mean, greedy, and hungry giant and home to fun, fabled fellows like Droopy, Spike and even Screwy Squirrel. Now, Tom and Jerry put an end to their furry feud long enough to save Storybook Town.