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Ring of Fire is a film of genre Drama released in USA on 19 january 1991 with Robert Foxworth

Ring of Fire (1991)

Ring of Fire
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Released in USA 19 january 1991
Length 40minutes
Genres Drama,    Documentary,    Action,    Adventure
Rating67% 3.3803453.3803453.3803453.3803453.380345

Ring of Fire is a 1991 documentary film in IMAX format. It looks at some of the varieties of volcanism and earthquake activity in the Ring of Fire, around the Pacific Rim. The film runs 40 minutes.

The film was jointly presented by the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History in Fort Worth, Texas, the Science Museum of Minnesota in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater and Science Center in San Diego, California.

The film has eight main segments, corresponding to chapters in the DVD release:

1. Ring of Fire: an overview of the region using wireframe computer animation, and including footage of Hawaiian lava flows as an illustration of how early Earth might have looked. Footage of a new volcano in Chile is also shown.

2. The San Francisco Quake of '89: looks at the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in San Francisco, California and its aftermath, including IMAX footage of the rescheduled game of the 1989 World Series, ten days after the quake.

3. Mount Saint Helens: includes IMAX footage from about 10 years after the 1980 eruption, and the famous time sequence of the eruption taken at the time.

4. Floating on Hot Liquid: looks at the geology of volcanism, again using wireframe computer animation to illustrate plate movement and magma flow up through the crust.

5. Learning to Live With a Volcano: life in Sakurajima, an island in Japan where eruptions are almost constant and evacuation drills are an annual event; sulfur mining at Kawah Ijen

6. Buddhas Keep Watch: Using the temple of Borobudur and the Balinese Kecak dance as a frame, shows how Indonesians live with the simultaneous threat and fertility provided by their volcanoes.

7. The Center of the Ring: Looks at volcanism on Hawaii, especially Kilauea and Mauna Loa, Footage includes roads, houses and cars destroyed by advancing lava, and underwater lava flows.

8. End Credits

Ring of Fire was released as a VHS video in 1995, and as a DVD in 1997 (rereleased in 2006). It was released on Blu-ray on July 12, 2011, and is also available in HD from the iTunes Store.


Du Chili à l'Indonésie en passant par le Japon et ses îles, l'activité volcanique est permanente dans les régions côtières de l'océan Pacifique.


Robert Foxworth

Trailer of Ring of Fire

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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After an animated introduction about the history of extinct species (e.g. the quagga, the great auk and the dodo) it has gone to 60 countries and territories (including Turkey, Spain, Germany, Poland, Australia, Borneo, Chile, Spitzbergen, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, India, Java, USA, and Peru) on all continents and to the most famous national parks. Species like the Hamilton's frog (Leiopelma hamiltoni) or the Javan rhinoceros were filmed for the very first time. Other sequences including footage of the kakapo, the takahe, the dancing of the red-crowned cranes, the fishing Kodiak bears, the whooping crane, the Asiatic lion, the Komodo dragon, the tuatara, the indri, and the birds of paradise. In particular the filming of the whooping cranes was the result of adventurous circumstances. Because the whooping crane was among the rarest birds in the world in the early 1960s there was no permission to entry the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. Fortunately the cranes were provided with food by a plane and during that time the birds came to a wetland in the proximity of the fence. Schuhmacher and Barth planted themselves in a boat in a channel in front of the fence and were able to take some footage from a female and a chicken.