Rugrats in Paris: The Movie is a 2000 American animated comedy-drama film and the sequel to The Rugrats Movie that follows the continuing adventures of the Rugrats. In the film, Chuckie Finster takes the lead character role as he searches to find a new mother. The film was produced by Nickelodeon Movies and Klasky Csupo and distributed by Paramount Pictures and released into theaters on November 17, 2000.
The film grossed $76.5 million domestically and $103.3 million worldwide.
The film marks the first appearance of two villains in the Rugrats franchise, the child-hating Coco LaBouche and her accomplice, Jean-Claude. The film also marks the first appearance of new Rugrats character Kimi Finster and her mother Kira.Synopsis
The film opens with a parody of The Godfather, at the wedding reception of Lou Pickles and his new wife, Lulu. A mother-child dance during the reception saddens Chuckie Finster, who realizes that he has lived most of his life without his mother, Melinda, who died of a sudden illness shortly after he was born. His father, Chas, shares Chuckie's loneliness.