Rugrats Go Wild is a 2003 American animated comedy film based on the Nickelodeon animated television series Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys. It is the third Rugrats film in the Rugrats film series, and the second Wild Thornberrys film. The film was produced by Nickelodeon Movies and Klasky Csupo and released in theaters on June 13, 2003 by Paramount Pictures. With a world-wide gross of $55 million, it is the lowest grossing Rugrats film. The film used "Aroma-Scope," which allowed people to smell odors and aromas from the film via scratch and sniff cards (reminiscent of 1960s Smell-O-Vision), and it was not used again theatrically for eight years until the release of Spy Kids: All the Time in the World.Synopsis
The movie starts with the Rugrats going on an adventure through the safari, with Tommy impersonating Nigel Thornberry, who is his role model, and spoofing his nature show. However, the babies' broadcast is cut short when they come across a tiger and then a crocodile, both of which threaten them. Just as they begin sinking in quicksand and are nearly attacked, we then reveal that this was only imagination, and that the babies and their families are about to go on vacation on the Lipschitz cruise ship.