Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (also known as Jimmy Neutron: The Movie) is a 2001 American computer-animated comic science fiction film based on a few three-minute animated shorts shown on Nickelodeon between the years 1999-2002, and a pilot in 1998. The film was produced by Nickelodeon Movies, O Entertainment, and DNA Productions, and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It was produced using off-the-shelf software (messiah:studio and LightWave 6) by DNA Productions. The film was released December 21, 2001. It was nominated for the first Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, but lost to Shrek. It was the only animated Nickelodeon film to ever be nominated in that category until Rango was nominated in 2011 and won. The success of the film led to a spin-off television series, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, which premiered on July 20, 2002 and ended on November 25, 2006. A second spin-off, Planet Sheen, premiered on October 2, 2010, but was cancelled on February 15, 2013.Synopsis
The film starts off with a rocket carrying two boys and a robotic dog: Jimmy Neutron (Debi Derryberry), Carl Wheezer (Rob Paulsen) and Goddard (Frank Welker). Jimmy is attempting to launch a communications satellite made out of a toaster, hoping to communicate with an alien species he believes exists somewhere out in the universe. Unknown to anyone, the satellite is picked up near the planet Yolkus, home to an alien race called the Yolkians. King Goobot V (Patrick Stewart) and his assistant, Ooblar (Martin Short), watch a pre-recorded message from Jimmy, featuring him introducing himself and explaining about life on Earth.