Sacred Sperm (Hebrew: זרע קודש) is a 2014 Israeli documentary film directed by Ori Gruder, exploring the taboo of masturbation in Judaism. The film world premiered at the 22nd Raindance Film Festival in October 2014 and was nominated in the short documentary film category at the 2014 Ophir Awards. It North America premiered at the 30th Santa Barbara Film Festival in February 2015.Synopsis
Gruder meets with several rabbis to discuss the subject of masturbation within Haredi society. He learns how Haredi teenage boys traditionally deal with the subject, with various relaxation exercises, and also discovers that Haredi men are taught not to touch their penises while urinating. Gruder also explains the measures he takes as repentance for his past sins; including immersing himself in a mikveh full of ice cubes, fasting, charitable monetary donations and praying – while rolling in the snow at Mount Hermon during winter.