Salvage is a 2009 British horror film directed by Lawrence Gough, produced by Julie Lau and written by Colin O'Donnell and Alan Patterson. The film stars Neve McIntosh, Shaun Dooley and Linzey Cocker as residents in a suburban street who find themselves isolated from the outside world following an emergency. The film was one of three produced in Liverpool to celebrate the city's status as EU City of Culture in 2008, and was filmed on the set of former soap opera Brookside. It was produced on a minimal budget, and was the last time the Brookside set was used for filming purposes before it was sold to a private developer. Neve McIntosh won two Best Actress awards for her role in the film.Synopsis
On Christmas Eve morning, a paperboy delivers newspapers in a cul-de-sac. Hearing a row between an Indian couple, he peers through the window, but is spotted and chased away by the man, Mr Sharma. He flees into the woods behind the street, but is surprised and killed by an unknown assailant.