Santa's Apprentice (original French title L'Apprenti Père Noel) is a French-Australian-Irish animated film made by Gaumont-Alphanim (now Gaumont Animation) in 2010. This full-length animated feature film was co-produced with Avril Stark Entertainment and Cartoon Saloon, and is based from the animated TV series SantApprentice.Synopsis
The movie opens in Sydney, Australia where Nicholas and his best friend Felix, gazing at the toy shop window seeing what Santa's workshop looks like. They reside at the orphanage where all the Children were orphans. The bully, Grincroch, picks on Nicholas that Santa doesn't exist as he asks him that he's afraid of heights. But, Nicholas manages to retrieve a toy for the child after climbing up the orphanage fence. Nicholas was pure of heart believing Christmas and Santa. But on Christmas Eve, Nicholas's best friend Felix, gets adopted by his new parents and gives his lucky charm to Nicholas as Felix with his new parents move to America.