Secrets of Eden is a 2012 suspense television film directed by Tawnia McKiernan, based on a book by Chris Bohjalian published in 2010. The movie was set and recorded in Toronto, Canada.Synopsis
Pastor Steven Drew's (John Stamos) faith is shattered after one of his newly baptized members, Alice Hayward (Sonya Salomaa), is murdered by her abusive husband George (Graham Abbey), who then seems to commits suicide. The pastor meets an author/Detective Catherine Benincasa (Anna Gunn) working on a book about angels who helps him face his demons, and the law. Evidence surfaces that there was an affair between Alice and Reverend Drew. Katie (Samantha Munro), the Haywards’ orphaned 15-year-old daughter, is the only key to uncover the disturbing secrets of what happened behind closed doors on that fateful night and the suffering they endured as a “not so perfect” family.