Septic Man is a 2013 horror film that was directed by Jesse Thomas Cook. The film had its world premiere at the Austin Fantastic Fest on September 19, 2013, where actor Jason David Brown won "Best Actor" in the Horror Features category. In the film Brown stars as a sewage worker that ends up transforming into a hideous mutant by way of toxic sewage.Synopsis
Jack (Jason David Brown) is an average sewage worker who has been asked to investigate a water contamination in his hometown that has forced everyone else, including his pregnant wife Shelley (Molly Dunsworth), to evacuate. He decides to investigate the local sewage plant but ends up getting trapped in a septic tank by Lord Auch (Tim Burd) and his brother Giant (Robert Maillet). They refuse to let Jack out despite his pleas and the toxic sewage eventually begins to transform Jack into the hideous mutant Septic Man.