Shaapit is a 2010 Bollywood horror film directed by Vikram Bhatt, starring Aditya Narayan, Rahul Dev, Shweta Agarwal and Shubh Joshi in the lead roles. The film is based on the story of a family whose daughters have been carrying a curse, from generation to generation. It also stars Murli Sharma and Nishigandha Wad. This film was shot in Film City and released on 19 March 2010, under the banner of ASA Film Pvt Ltd.Synopsis
The film opens with Aman, seemingly lifeless, narrating how he and his sweetheart Kaya are doomed to perish together. He remembers happier times, when he met and courted and finally proposed to Kaya. No sooner than he had proposed, they had met with a sudden car accident. They are miraculously unhurt save a few minor injuries. But when Kaya's parents realise Aman had proposed to her, they become sad and grave, and Kaya's mother earnestly persuades her father to tell them the truth.