Sisters (also known as Blood Sisters in the United Kingdom) is a 1973 American psychological horror film directed by Brian De Palma and starring Margot Kidder, Jennifer Salt and Charles Durning. The plot focuses on a French Canadian model whose separated Siamese twin is suspected of a brutal murder witnessed by a newspaper reporter in Staten Island.
Largely influenced by the films of Alfred Hitchcock, the script for the film was written by De Palma and Louisa Rose, and the score composed by Bernard Herrmann. Sisters was the first thriller for De Palma, who followed this film with other shocking, graphic thrillers.Synopsis
Advertising salesman Philip Woode (Lisle Wilson) is the victim of a prank on a Candid Camera-style television show and wins a dinner for two at a New York restaurant. He takes with him Danielle Breton (Margot Kidder), a naive young French Canadian model and aspiring actress who was hired as part of the prank. At dinner, they are interrupted by Danielle's controlling ex-husband Emil (William Finley), but Philip has him thrown out by security. They arrive to Danielle's Staten Island apartment, but spot Emil waiting outside; Philip pretends to leave to lure him away, then returns through the back entrance and the two make love on the living room sofa.