Slappily Married was an American short subject by Columbia Pictures, released on November 7, 1946. The short was directed by Edward Bernds and stars Joe DeRita, who later joined the Three Stooges and became "Curly Joe" DeRita, and features Christine McIntyre, Dorothy Granger and Dick Wessel. This was the first of four shorts in the Joe DeRita series produced by Columbia from 1946-1948; all entries were remakes of other Columbia shorts.Synopsis
Dress shop owner Joe Bates (Joe DeRita) is a happily married man who dreads Friday the 13th. Fearing the worst, Joe decides not to go to work to avoid any catastrophes, but his wife (Christine McIntyre) simply dismisses it and tells him that he is being superstitious. Joe agrees with her and decides to start preparing breakfast, but things quickly go wrong. Food begins to fly everywhere, dishes fall and break all over the place and a bowl of waffle batter drapes all over Joe. When his wife returns to the kitchen, she tells him that yesterday was Friday the 13th and to start getting ready for work.