Slipstream is a 2005 science fiction film, written by Louis Morneau and Phillip Badger and directed by David van Eyssen. The film stars Sean Astin, Vinnie Jones, and Ivana Miličević. It was first shown at the London Sci-Fi and Fantasy Film Festival on February 3, 2005. The film concerns the efforts of a socially inept scientist (Sean Astin) and a female FBI agent (Ivana Miličević) to recover a time travel device (called "Slipstream") that was stolen by a group of bank robbers commanded by Vinnie Jones. The film was imagined as part science fiction, part action and part buddy comedy.Synopsis
Stuart Conway (Sean Astin) has developed a hand-held, cellphone-like time travel device called 'Slipstream' that allows the user to travel back in time 10 minutes by interfacing with a cellphone system regional antenna. At first, he uses the device primarily to try, albeit unsuccessfully, to arrange a date with a female bank clerk.