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Spy Chasers is a american film of genre Comedy directed by Edward Bernds released in USA on 31 july 1955 with Leo Gorcey

Spy Chasers (1955)

Spy Chasers
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Released in USA 31 july 1955
Length 1h1
Directed by
Genres Comedy,    Spy
Themes Spy films
Rating60% 3.0499053.0499053.0499053.0499053.049905

Spy Chasers is a 1955 film starring the comedy team of The Bowery Boys. The film was released on July 31, 1955 by Allied Artists and is the thirty-eighth film in the series.


Princess Ann of Truania arrives at Louie's Sweet Shop. She is the daughter of the exiled king and is looking for Louie, whose brother is a valuable assistance to the king back in Truania. They request the boys assistance to safeguard a half-coin for them. The other half will be delivered to them with a message when it is safe for the king to return to his country and regain control. The king's assistant, Colonel Baxis and Zelda, Ann's lady-in-waiting are traitors and are immediately distrusted by the boys. The traitor's intend to send a fake half-coin to the boys in order to get the king to return to his country too soon so that he can be arrested. Ann overhears the plot and is kidnapped. Eventually the boys rescue Ann and convince the king that his assistant is a traitor.


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