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Looking for Danger is a american film of genre Comedy released in USA on 6 october 1957 with Huntz Hall

Looking for Danger (1957)

Looking for Danger
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Released in USA 6 october 1957
Length 1h2
Genres Comedy
Rating54% 2.7228852.7228852.7228852.7228852.722885

Looking for Danger is a 1957 film starring the comedy team of The Bowery Boys. The film was released on October 6, 1957 by Allied Artists and is the forty-sixth film in the series.


Duke recounts the days of when he and the rest of the Bowery Boys served in World War II. During the war, the boys' sergeant, who gets fed up with Duke and Sach, gladly gives them the duties of a suicide mission. The duo go under cover as German soldiers to deliver a message to a sultan.


Huntz Hall

(Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones)
Stanley Clements

(Stanislaus 'Duke' Coveleskie)
David Gorcey

Lili Kardell

(Shareen aka The Hawk)
Dick Elliott

(Mike Clancy)
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