Strings is a 2012 British drama film directed and written by Rob Savage. After a successful run in a number of film festivals, it went on to win the Raindance Award at the British Independent Film Awards. Applauded for its success despite its low budget, the total cost of production was just £3,000. Director, Writer, Cinematographer and Editor, Savage took strong commitments to get the film produced including lack of sleep to the point of hallucinating.
^ Rob Savage Official Director Website
^ Raindance Interview with Rob Savage
^ "Filmmaker Interview #3 – Rob Savage". Retrieved 22 August 2011.Synopsis
The story follows four young people and their romantic endeavours in that blissful summer before they leave home to go to university. Grace (Philine Lembeck) is a visiting German student, soon to return home. She falls for the quiet, distant Jon (Oliver Malam), whilst her best friend Scout (Hannah Wilder) becomes entangled in an increasingly violent relationship with her long-term boyfriend Chris (Akbar Ali).