Sukrutham is a 1994 Malayalam film directed by Hari Kumar, written by M. T. Vasudevan Nair, with background music by Johnson. It is considered one of the outstanding Malayalam films of the mid-1990s. The film is based on the subject of complex human relationships and mind and inevitable human death and the consequences to relations of the deceased.Synopsis
Mammootty plays journalist Ravishankar who is a victim of blood cancer. The knowledge of his disease and the death on its way hugely disappoints him and he loses all his hope in life. He forces his wife Malini (Gauthami) to get involved with their friend Rajendran (Manoj K Jayan) so that she won't be alone after Ravi's death. Ravi goes back to his village where his cousin, Durga (Shanthii Krishna) who is still unmarried starts taking care of him.