Summer Scars is a 2007 British horror film produced and directed by Julian Richards. It is based on a hostage situation that Richards experienced during his childhood. The cast includes Kevin Howarth, Ciaran Joyce, Amy Harvey, Darren Evans, Jonathan Jones, Chris Conway, Ryan Conway, and Chole Parfitt.
^ Blaney, Martin (2007-09-07). "UK and US films open world and international premieres in Oldenburg". Screen Daily. Retrieved 2014-08-27.
^ "Horror film Summer Scars cuts up festival circuit". Wales Online. 2009-06-18. Retrieved 2014-08-28.Synopsis
Six youths ditch school for the woods where some hot rodding on a stolen moped changes the fate of their day. They crash into Peter, a dishevelled drifter, who is delighted to have a group of teens to hang out with. First he gains their trust by joining in their games but then his behaviour changes. Peter uses what he has learned about the kids against them, bullying the alpha boys, belittling the weaker ones and saving his worst for the only girl in the group. Realising too late they are being held hostage the kids are forced to embrace the dark side of human nature in order to survive the ordeal.