The Last Horror Movie is a 2003 British found footage horror film directed by Julian Richards. On August 24, 2003 it premiered at the London FrightFest Film Festival and stars Kevin Howarth and Mark Stevenson. The Last Horror Movie was released onto DVD through Fangoria's Gore Zone label on December 7, 2004.Synopsis
The film follows Max Parry (Kevin Howarth), a disturbed wedding video cameraman, and his unnamed assistant (Mark Stevenson) as they perform several murders that they have videotaped. The two have used a video store tape in order to record the proceedings, breaking the fourth wall and insinuating that the copy of the film being watched is the only existing version of the tape. Throughout the film Max uses meta-references in order to show off his gruesome activities as a serial killer. The film raises questions surrounding visceral pleasure, this can be seen in one scene in particular during which the audience cannot see the victims (two at once) being murdered, Max Parry then asks the audience "I bet you wanted to see that, and if you didn't, why are you still watching?"