Sunes Summer (Swedish: Sunes sommar) is a 1993 Swedish comedy film directed by Stephan Apelgren. It is based on the chapter book with the same name, the eighth in the book series about Sune, written by Anders Jacobsson and Sören Olsson. At the 29th Guldbagge Awards, Peter Haber was nominated for the Best Actor award. It also won a shared first-prize during the Italiafiction festival in Salerno in July 1994.Synopsis
It is summer in Sweden, and the Andersson family has decided to go on vacation to Greece. The trip turns out to be too expensive, especially when Håkan destroys a shelf in the travel agency. Rudolf decides that they should go on a caravan holiday instead. When they start the journey, Karin runs over Rudolf's foot with the caravan and they have to go into a hospital. There, Rudolf gets his foot bandaged by Lenny, a medic who is pretending to be a doctor. At the hospital Sune meets a girl named Cornelia and falls in love with her, but he makes a fool of himself at a candy vending machine.