Taarzan: The Wonder Car is a 2004 romantic thriller film directed by Abbas Burmawalla and Mustan Burmawalla. The film stars Vatsal Sheth, Ajay Devgn and Ayesha Takia in the lead roles, while Farida Jalal, Shakti Kapoor, Amrish Puri, Pankaj Dheer, Sadashiv Amrapurkar, Gulshan Grover and Mukesh Tiwari play supporting roles. The film is inspired by the 1983 horror, Christine.
The film was released as a part of launching the car named "Tarzan". Due to a huge failure of the movie at the box office, the car was never launched. Producers of the movie and the car faced huge losses. Ayesha Takia won the Filmfare Best Debut Award for her performance.Synopsis
Deven Chaudhary (Ajay Devgan) lives with his mother (Farida Jalal) and only son Raj (Vatsal Sheth). Deven spends considerable time designing the perfect car, calling it DC — which is very futuristic and more advanced than any other car in the market — and registering its patent. He also looks after an older model car, handed over to him by his late father, and calls it "Taarzan". He meets with Rakesh Kapoor (Pankaj Dheer) and his partners, who praise his design but decline dealing with him.